
Using GES DISC & other NASA data

Unknown to some, but accessing satellite data has never been easier (in theory). It is a most useful source of data, however, learning the lay of the land is time-consuming and, quite frankly, frustrating. One of the main issues is knowing where to look for data and upon observing the amount of data available, where …

Solar Radiation: The Fundamentals

In a previous post, the interaction between solar radiation and the atmosphere was introduced. In this post, the character of this incident solar radiation is discussed. Solar radiation is the electromagnetic radiation emitted from the surface of the Sun. This is the principal natural source of energy on Earth, which sustains life and influences the …

Solar Radiation: The Big Picture

In order to understand solar radiation and the complex interplay between solar photons and the Earth’s atmosphere, it should be recognised that none of these elements or occurrences are independent, but rather form part of a “bigger picture”. It is known from the First Law of Thermodynamics, a.k.a. the Law of Conservation of Energy, that …

Pandas: Need to knows

If you are using Python in the postgraduate research space, then chances are you will need pandas. There are many resources and tutorials out there that will give you an introduction to pandas, or even time series analysis with pandas. There are, however, things you should know how to do in pandas that no one …

Python & other tools for data analysis

If you have been coding for some time, you’ll know that many headaches are from IDE (Integrated Development Environment) or package installation, compatibility issues, etc. I have especially horrid memories of trying to get C to work via Eclipse in my first year engineering programming course. Luckily for us coding in Python, several distributions and …