Academic Qualifications
2018 – | PhD (Electrical Engineering), Stellenbosch University
Modelling Atmospheric Transmittance for Clear-Sky Spectral Solar Radiation in Practical Applications
Developing countries require innovative solar radiation characterisation and modelling methodologies to circumvent data-scarcity and solar radiation research deficits. As a result, a new solar resource classification methodology is formulated from fundamental frequency theory to overcome interdependencies observed in literature. Atmospheric transmittance methodologies for clear-sky spectral solar radiation assessment and modelling are investigated. In this study, a minimal spectral clear-sky terrestrial model is developed for calculating the atmospheric transmittance of gaseous absorbers. The atmosphere is modelled according to a representative atmospheric layer, and the Bouguer-Beer-Lambert law is adopted to formulate gas-specific transmittance functions. Accessible remote retrievals are adopted in the transmittance calculations and therefore well suited to data-scarce locations such as southern Africa. Qualitative analyses are predominantly pursued in this dissertation due to the baseline reference deficits observed in solar radiation literature.
2016 – 2017 | MEng (Electrical Engineering), Stellenbosch University
A Spectral Guide: The Analysis of Solar Irradiance and Soiling Through Spectroradiometry
An automated measuring system was designed and built to ensure repeatable and accurate spectroradiometric measurements of clear sky irradiance and comparative measurements through glass samples. The combination of these two types of measurements allowed for the determination of relative transmission losses as a result of the refraction and absorbance by dust particles and glass particles. Furthermore, lab measurements were acquired to indicate that the method used to determine relative transmission losses, was accurate. This project was used to generate a spectral measurement and analysis guide, specifically for the measurement of irradiance and determining the influence of soiling on the transmission of irradiance.
2012 – 2015 | BEng (Mechatronic Engineering), Stellenbosch University
PV Solar System Design and Analysis for a Domestic Swimming Pool Pump (Cum Laude)
Investigating the shift in accessibility of solar energy for domestic use, targeting a large electricity consuming device – a domestic swimming pool pump. Analysing the rate of return, viability and performance of a photovoltaic solar power supply for a domestic swimming pool pump installation.
2021 March – | Research Assistant, Stellenbosch University
UCDG REEP | University Capacity Development Grant Recommended Engineering Education Practices
- Collaboration across all engineering departments on engineering education practices.
- Researching holistic approaches to education, curriculums that encompasses knowledge, skills and attributes, large class assessments, conceptual engagement and cumulative theory-practice connections.
- Research writing in the social theory and education sociology spaces.
2020 – | Programme Manager, Centre for Renewable and Sustainable Energy Studies (CRSES)
RE-SC EPPEI | Renewable Energy – Specialisation Centre, Eskom Power Plant Engineering Institute
- Administration of ~70 post-graduate students from various academic institutions.
- Financial administration of study, supervision and bursary costs
- Liaising with academic supervisors and Consortium Management Team on student progress and financial administration.
2020 – | Research Group Administrator, Stellenbosch University
PSRG | Power Systems Research Group
- Administration of ~55 postgraduate student and supervisor research group members.
- Planning and coordinating weekly research seminars of student and industry guest presentations.
- Managing and maintaining the research group website via WordPress.
- Organise cognitive and affective opportunities for research group members.
- Conducting research on the effectiveness of a community of practice in postgraduate education through social theory and the sociology of education.
2016 – 2020 | Graduate Tutor, Stellenbosch University
E&E | Electrical & Electronic Engineering
Assisting students during weekly tutorial and practical sessions, and invigilating during test and examination periods.
- Computer Programming 143
- Electrical Drive Systems 324
- Electrotechnique 143
2015 | Vacation Work, Stellenbosch
- Studied embedded C program structures such as Hardware Abstraction Layers (HAL) and
- Application Programming Interfaces (API) to ensure structured and reusable software.
- Programmed AVR microcontroller with display driver and Serial Peripheral Interface (SPI) communication.
- Learned Linux based instructions in command line.
2014 | Vacation Work, Stellenbosch
- Soldered surface mounted components with guidance according to electronics assembly manufacturing standards.
- Completed acceptance test procedures and fault analysis on oscillators, amplifiers and couplings through the use of a Vector Network Analyser and Spectrum Analyser.
- Tested various thermal cameras for response, viewing distance and resolution
- Supplied a demonstration and briefing on thermal imaging and the available options to board members of the company.
2013 | Part-time Work, Stellenbosch
- Completed peripheral I/O pin mapping and investigated electronic circuits and its related electronic components.
- Managed firmware and setting updates on 30 prototype devices.
- Conducted and logged several tests on prototype devices, including battery tests and response tests.
- Tested 500+ devices through voltage/current measurements to detect failed or missing hardware components.